Empowering Boudoir Photography
Boudoir sessions help you reconnect with yourself or your partner and help you to see how truly beautiful you are. Boudoir is for every shape and size. I offer boudoir photography in Lincoln, NE, just an hour from Omaha. Come enjoy a laid back atmosphere where you can be free to be yourself!
The Experience:
Once you decide you’re ready, contact me to schedule your photo shoot. Need a payment plan? No problem! You can set up pre-payment plan (monthly or every other week). Once you have booked, I’ll send you all the information you need to prepare for your session.
Don’t worry, I promise this will be way less scary than you work it up to be in your head. You will bring your favorite outfit for your shoot and come with your hair & makeup ready. Then we will relax and joke around while I pose every part of you from your hair to your toes. Afterwards, we will go through your images together and choose the ones that make you feel all the feels.
I will retouch the photos you have hand picked. I will get rid of blemishes and smooth your skin a bit, but I don't completely edit out stretch marks, scars, ect unless we have previously discussed it. You will receive your digital images within 2 weeks and your luxury products roughly 4-6 weeks after your session.